Laravel Cheatsheet - Artisan Command

Laravel Cheatsheet

Get a quick reference guide for all the essential Laravel commands and features. This cheat sheet includes common tasks such as routing, controllers, models, migrations, and more. Perfect for both beginners and experienced developers, this cheat sheet will help you efficiently work with the Laravel PHP framework.

php artisan make:policy PostPolicy
// Displays help for a given command
php artisan --help OR -h
// Do not output any message
php artisan --quiet OR -q
// Display this application version
php artisan --version OR -V
// Do not ask any interactive question
php artisan --no-interaction OR -n
// Force ANSI output
php artisan --ansi
// Disable ANSI output
php artisan --no-ansi
// The environment the command should run under
php artisan --env
// -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
php artisan --verbose
// Remove the compiled class file
php artisan clear-compiled
// Display the current framework environment
php artisan env
// Displays help for a command
php artisan help
// Lists commands
php artisan list
// Interact with your application
php artisan tinker
// Put the application into maintenance mode
php artisan down
// Bring the application out of maintenance mode
php artisan up
// Optimize the framework for better performance
// --force    Force the compiled class file to be written.
// --psr      Do not optimize 
Composer dump-autoload.php artisan optimize [--force] [--psr]
// Serve the application on the PHP development server
php artisan serve
// Change the default port
php artisan serve --port 8080
// Get it to work outside localhost
php artisan serve --host
// Set the application namespace
php artisan app:name namespace
// Flush expired password reset tokens
php artisan auth:clear-resets
// Flush the application cache
php artisan cache:clear
// Create a migration for the cache database table
php artisan cache:table
// Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
php artisan config:cache
// Remove the configuration cache file
php artisan config:clear
// In program$exitCode = Artisan::call('config:cache');
// Seed the database with records
// --class      The class name of the root seeder (default: "DatabaseSeeder")
// --database   The database connection to seed
// --force      Force the operation to run when in production.
php artisan db:seed [--class[="..."]] [--database[="..."]] [--force]

// Generate the missing events and handlers based on registrationphp artisan event:generate

// Create a new command handler class
// --command      The command class the handler handles.
php artisan handler:command [--command="..."] name
// Create a new event handler class
// --event        The event class the handler handles.
// --queued       Indicates the event handler should be queued.
php artisan handler:event [--event="..."] [--queued] name
// Set the application key
php artisan key:generate
// By default, this creates a self-handling command that isn't pushed to the queue.
// Pass this the --handler flag to generate a handler, and the --queued flag to make it queued.
php artisan make:command [--handler] [--queued] name
// Create a new Artisan command
//  --command     The terminal command that should be assigned. (default: "command:name")make:console [--command[="..."]] name
// Create a new resourceful controller
// --plain      Generate an empty controller class.
php artisan make:controller [--plain] name
php artisan make:controller App\\Admin\\Http\\Controllers\\DashboardController
// Create a new event class
php artisan make:event name
// Create a new middleware class
php artisan make:middleware name
// Create a new migration file
// --create     The table to be created.
// --table      The table to migrate.
php artisan make:migration [--create[="..."]] [--table[="..."]] name
// Create a new Eloquent model class
php artisan make:model name
// Create a new service provider class
php artisan make:provider name
// Create a new form request class
php artisan make:request name
// Database migrations
// --database   The database connection to use.
// --force      Force the operation to run when in production.
// --path       The path of migrations files to be executed.
// --pretend    Dump the SQL queries that would be run.
// --seed       Indicates if the seed task should be re-run.
php artisan migrate [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--path[="..."]] [--pretend] [--seed]
// Create the migration repository
php artisan migrate:install [--database[="..."]]
// Create a new migration file
// --seeder     The class name of the root seeder.
php artisan migrate:refresh [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--seed] [--seeder[="..."]]
// Rollback all database migrations
// --pretend    Dump the SQL queries that would be run.
php artisan migrate:reset [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--pretend]
// Rollback the last database migration
php artisan migrate:rollback [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--pretend]
// Show a list of migrations up/down
php artisan migrate:status
// Create a migration for the queue jobs database table
php artisan queue:table
// Listen to a given queue
// --queue      The queue to listen on
// --delay      Amount of time to delay failed jobs (default: 0)
// --memory     The memory limit in megabytes (default: 128)
// --timeout    Seconds a job may run before timing out (default: 60)
// --sleep      Seconds to wait before checking queue for jobs (default: 3)
// --tries      Number of times to attempt a job before logging it failed (default: 0)
php artisan queue:listen [--queue[="..."]] [--delay[="..."]] [--memory[="..."]] [--timeout[="..."]] [--sleep[="..."]] [--tries[="..."]] [connection]
// List all of the failed queue jobsphp artisan queue:failed
// Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table
php artisan queue:failed-table
// Flush all of the failed queue jobs
php artisan queue:flush
// Delete a failed queue job
php artisan queue:forget
// Restart queue worker daemons after their current job
php artisan queue:restart
// Retry a failed queue job(id: The ID of the failed job)
php artisan queue:retry id
// Subscribe a URL to an push queue
// queue: The name of queue.
// url: The URL to be subscribed.
// --type       The push type for the queue.
php artisan queue:subscribe [--type[="..."]] queue url
// Process the next job on a queue
// --queue      The queue to listen on
// --daemon     Run the worker in daemon mode
// --delay      Amount of time to delay failed jobs (default: 0)
// --force      Force the worker to run even in maintenance mode
// --memory     The memory limit in megabytes (default: 128)
// --sleep      Number of seconds to sleep when no job is available (default: 3)
// --tries      Number of times to attempt a job before logging it failed (default: 0)
php artisan queue:work [--queue[="..."]] [--daemon] [--delay[="..."]] [--force] [--memory[="..."]] [--sleep[="..."]] [--tries[="..."]] [connection]

// Create a route cache file for faster route registration
php artisan route:cache
// Remove the route cache file
php artisan route:clear
// List all registered routes
php artisan route:list

// Run the scheduled commandsphp artisan schedule:run

// Create a migration for the session database table
php artisan session:table

// Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages
// --force        Overwrite any existing files.
// --provider     The service provider that has assets you want to publish.
// --tag          The tag that has assets you want to publish.
php artisan vendor:publish [--force] [--provider[="..."]] [--tag[="..."]]
php artisan tail [--path[="..."]] [--lines[="..."]] [connection]

Laravel is a powerful PHP framework for web application development. One of the most powerful features of Laravel is the Artisan command-line interface, which provides a number of helpful commands for common tasks. In this post, we will take a look at some of the most important Artisan commands that every Laravel developer should know this Laravel Cheatsheet.

  1. php artisan make:controller – This command is used to create a new controller class in your application. You can specify the name of the controller and it will be created in the app/Http/Controllers directory.
  2. php artisan make:model – This command is used to create a new model class in your application. You can specify the name of the model and it will be created in the app/ directory.
  3. php artisan make:migration – This command is used to create a new migration file. You can specify the name of the migration and it will be created in the database/migrations directory.
  4. php artisan migrate – This command is used to run the pending migrations in your application. It will create the necessary tables in your database according to the migration files.
  5. php artisan tinker – This command will open a REPL environment, allowing you to interact with your application and perform tasks such as querying the database, running commands, and more.

These are just a few examples of the many helpful commands that are available through the Artisan interface. By mastering these commands, you will be able to quickly and easily perform common tasks in your Laravel application.


I have been working in the field for several years and have a strong background in both front-end and back-end development.